Southeast Europe

The countries that we briefly touched on in this region were:  Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia.  I say briefly because we only visited 3 cities within this region.


BELGRADE – We flew into Serbia’s capital (Yugoslavia’s capital from 1918 to 2006) from Istanbul on March 15, spending two nights.  Belgrade was not a beautiful city but an interesting one.  It felt like it was still trying to live in the old communist regime.  They love Putin here.  The people, it appeared to us, seemed like they were struggling to make a living.  The young taxi driver who drove us from the airport to our hotel felt no hope in the country and couldn’t wait to leave.  The buildings looked tired and like very little had been done to them.  They still had trams, possibly from the 50’s or earlier, that looked like they had seen better days.  There was however a younger, creative crowd that was doing some very innovative start-up businesses.  It certainly felt promising.

The fortress

The fortress

Old tram

Old tram



Gary loves a good church

Gary loves a good church

Where the Sava and Danube Rivers converge

Where the Sava and Danube Rivers converge

Fortress gates

Fortress gates

Our train to Zagreb

Our train to Zagreb

Refugee area run by UNICEF

Refugee area run by UNICEF, between Belgrade and Zagreb


ZAGREB – We took the 7-hour train into Zagreb.  Stepping out of the train station we could tell it was a lovely city:  beautiful architecture and a sculpture facing the station, giving it an instant impression.  We spent 4 days here and really enjoyed our time.  A lovely walking city and beautiful architecture on just about every street.

Magnolia trees across from train station

Magnolia trees across from train station

Pedestrian street

Pedestrian street

Lovely Saturday farmers' market

Lovely Saturday farmers’ market

Traditional dance in main square

Traditional dance in main square





View from above

View from above

Gary and his buddy

Gary and his buddy

The tower

The tower

The cutest little chapel inside the Stone Gate

The cutest little chapel inside the Stone Gate

Traditional painted scenes on Easter eggs

Traditional painted scenes on Easter eggs



Loved the roof tiles on this church

Loved the roof tiles on this church

The Stone Gate

The Stone Gate


SARAJEVO – We arrived in Sarajevo after a 10-hour milk-run train ride.  We were very tired by the time we got to our hotel and wondered whatever happened to the romance of train travel.  This was one of the things we were looking forward to once we got to Europe.  Once we checked into our hotel we walked down the street to a lovely traditional Bosnian restaurant.  The food was so yummy.

We had every intention of hanging around Sarajevo for a bit and then heading down to the coast and traveling up it by train, but the reality is that this area does not have the same infrastructure as other parts of Europe when it comes to trains.  Also the weather was crappy and when we looked at the 2-week forecast it was going to continue to be crappy.  So, we looked to flights instead and based on price, time, possible destinations, and less crappy weather, we decided to head to Munich, Germany.  The morning we woke up to head to the airport made us even more glad that we had made our decision – slushy snow everywhere!

View just outside our hotel

View just outside our hotel

The old (Turkish) section

The old (Turkish) section

Turkish section

Turkish section

The Library (town hall)

The Library (town hall)

Homey Bosnian restaurant

Homey Bosnian restaurant

Yummy Bosnian meal

Yummy Bosnian meal

And a little Slivovitz

And a little Slivovitz



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